Increase your bottom line by moving Operationally Up

Our services

The Operations Analysis

The symptoms you're noticing are merely surface-level indicators of deeper operational challenges. Our Operations Analysis aims to delve into a comprehensive understanding of your day-to-day business operations. Building upon the insights shared during our Informational Call, we pinpoint areas for improvement, grounded in data and financial analysis.

We're committed to driving positive shifts in your company's performance, and that begins with a thorough examination of the numbers. Additionally, we conduct one-on-one meetings with key team members to gather firsthand insights into current operational processes and solicit their valuable input and suggestions.

Recognizing the importance of change management, we prioritize team member involvement from the outset. By engaging your team in this process, we lay the foundation for successful implementation. For some companies, this analysis serves as the catalyst for tangible and enduring organizational change they can plan out and take action on themselves.  

Deliverable: An Operations Analysis report.  It will detail out the main areas of focus that will have the largest impact on your bottom line and set your company up for future success.  It will also provide an overview of suggested solutions on how to execute on these opportunities.

The Operations Transformation Playbook

For companies with the resources and the desire to capitalize on operational opportunities but require more detailed guidance beyond the initial Operations Analysis, Operationally Up offers an extensive Operations Transformation Playbook (OTP). This goes beyond the broad recommendations provided in the Analysis, delving into actionable steps necessary to enact operational transformation.

This comprehensive playbook entails a deeper exploration of operations, resulting in a detailed plan that your senior operations team can readily execute. By leveraging this playbook, companies can effectively translate strategic insights into tangible operational improvements, driving sustainable growth and efficiency. 

Deliverable: An Operations Transformation Playbook with actionable steps to create operational success on the most pivotal areas in your company.  It will also include a Senior Team Debrief.  This 1 hour meeting with your top 2-3 team members gives your team dedicated time to ask questions and set them up to take action.

The Operations Executive Service

Not all companies possess the time or resources necessary to execute an Operational Analysis. Some may have an operations team in place, albeit one still in the learning phase and in need of mentorship. It's not uncommon to encounter growing companies where the CEO has taken on the role of operational executive, inadvertently diverting valuable time from strategic focus and company growth.

Balancing company growth and finances can prove challenging, especially when considering the feasibility of hiring a full-time operations executive. This is precisely where Operationally Up's Operations Executive Service becomes invaluable. It not only includes the OTP but integrates  ongoing, dedicated leadership of an operations executive.

Through this service, a Fractional COO (FCOO) becomes an integral part of your team, committing a specific number of hours each week or month as per your needs and timeline. Collaboratively determining the appropriate allocation of time, tailored to your unique requirements, ensures optimal results.

Bringing onboard a Fractional COO with specialized experience in consumer goods operations for growing businesses can significantly accelerate outcomes. Often, the impact of their involvement becomes apparent within the initial 60 days, marking the beginning of tangible improvements and efficiencies.

Deliverable: The Operation Transformation Playbook but that reads more like an operational business plan paired with the regular dedication of an experienced operations executive.  This FCOO will be a dedicated member of the team working part time to lead the operations of your business.  The number of dedicated hours and responsibilities will be customized based on you and your businesses specific needs.


No need to wait, it’s free to get an answer now.

Bring an operational opportunity to your free 30 min consultation , we will help with solutions and see for yourself what Operationally Up can bring to your business.

“Erica’s acumen on business strategy for growing consumer-goods businesses is excellent and in depth. She has experience within strategy and vendor management for co-manufactures that is extremely beneficial. Additionally, her lean operations process development helped us save money and streamline processes”

— Apparel Consumer Goods Owner

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